Teaching & Learning Innovation


Faculty Center & HCC Online Certification Seminars

** Only HCC employees in faculty positions are eligible to take these seminars. Staff are not eligible.


TL1621 HCC Online Learning Certification Training is a self-paced, competency-based, online class with optional in-person help sessions at designated times in Webex. This class has replaced TL1610, TL1611 and TL1620.

This 2-week training class has specific start and end dates and will be facilitated by an instructor. The class will open within Canvas on the start date. Registrants will receive notification from the instructor with log-in information 1-2 days prior to the class start via HCC email.

The Webex help sessions included in the training are not mandatory. The course can be completed fully online without attending these optional sessions.

TL1621* is an updated seminar which includes:
1. Eagle Online for Canvas
2. TL1900 – Orientation to HCC Online**
3. TL1700 – Copyright Literacy in the Academic Environment**
4. TL1000 – Student Engagement (Learner-Centered) Instructional Design**
5. TL2075 – Improving Student Learning through Active Engagement**

*Faculty who register for TL1621 are not required to register for any other courses to complete HCC Online Certification.

**Faculty who have previously completed Canvas or other certification courses as listed above may register for individual seminars below.

The Faculty Center & HCC Online Certification Seminars registration site has moved.

Please go to and bookmark our new registration site: at:


To view a transcript of the TLI courses, please visit: View Your Faculty Center Enrollment


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